Award Prosthetics, Inc. is a CBCPO Accredited, full service prosthetic facility. We are centrally located in the lower mainland of British Columbia in Burnaby... learn more


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Award Prosthetics Philosophy

Owner and chief prosthetist, Tony van der Waarde, CP(c), is professionally trained and well versed in virtually every aspect of prosthetic fittings. Tony has been certified since 1975 and has continually kept up with significant educational components, taking numerous courses, attending many conferences & conventions around the world.

Products and techniques utilized at Award Prosthetics are a balanced combination of tried & true practices mixed with state of the art prosthetic technology and materials along with a great deal of common sense.

What may be the right solution or components for one client may not necessarily be right for another - even if they have the same type of amputation.

President's Message

Certified Prosthetist Tony van der WaardeIn our current era of significant technological changes, we are and will continue to strive to employ new technologies. These will include new componentry, socket designs and materials. We also strive to surpass the basic expectations by improve comfort and function.

After 40+ years in the prosthetics profession, it is quite evident that the “relationship” between (amputee) client and prosthetist needs to be one of open communication.

Though we attempt to create prosthetic arms and legs to restore lost function, they will never be up to par compared to what God gave us.

Recent stories of trans cutaneous muscle re-innervation, osseo intergration, osteo myo-palastie procedures are just a few examples of where amputee care is headed. Aside from the amputee, prosthetist is the common denominator to make the technology “work”. Since the high costs of such procedures are a stumbling block for general availability, we need to be part of the selection process.

We, at Award Prosthetics, value your input into making your prosthesis fitting better and lobby your improved finding from various success.

Lastly, I am much indebted to all those individuals who have become members, peer counsellors or just friends with those who are new to “the amputee-family”. Your dedication and commitment make our work a lot easier. Thank you very much.



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